Johari Window


What is Johari Window?
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Johari Window is a psychological tool that helps to improve our behaviour as well as our relationship with others through feedback and disclosure. It is considered as one of the most effective ways to do self-analysis by taking other people’s perspective into account. By doing Johari Window, it helps us to better understand ourselves which includes our strengths and weaknesses.

Who created Johari Window?
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The Johari Window model was devised by American Psychologists Joseph Luft(1916–2014) and Harry Ingham(1916–1995) in 1955 while researching group dynamics at the University of California Los Angeles. The model was first published in the Proceedings of the Western Training Laboratory in Group Development by UCLA Extension Office in 1955 and was later expanded by Joseph Luft.

Johari Window Model

The Johari Window model is divided into four quadrants, each determines different combinations. These combinations are a result of facts known or unknown to ourselves along with the facts known or unknown to others. To better comprehend this model, these are the four possible combinations of the model:

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  • Arena: Arena or Public Arena represents everything that is commonly known by oneself and others. It includes one’s behaviour, attitude, skills, strengths and weaknesses.
  • Blind Spot: The area where one is unaware of one’s talent, trait or behaviour which can be positive or negative, but others are aware of it.
  • Facade: It is the hidden area which is secretly known by the person alone. Others are unaware of that person’s feelings, emotions and characteristics.
  • Unknown Area: The area which remains undiscovered by the person himself or herself and also hidden from others. This area consists of new opportunities and scope for development along with challenges and uncertainties that might bring that person out from his or her comfort zone.

My Johari Windows


Edgar is my high school friend who is one year older than me. I have been very close to him for 5 years and still going on. The public arena proves that he knows a lot about me through the stories and experiences we share for the past 5 years. I am quite surprised that he perceived me as someone dependable, trustworthy and extroverted. Although I do not think that I am very dependable and trustworthy, I will try my very best to be one. Furthermore, I consider myself as an introverted person since I rarely start a conversation with others unless it is an urgent situation. However, this Johari Window perhaps describes 80% of myself.

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Peter is also one of my friends at school. We’ve known each other since 4th grade. He became my seatmate quite often in school. We used to share the same interests which led us to be even closer as we grow up. Although we have known each other for more than 9 years, the public arena is not as big as the facade. This is probably due to fewer conversations after graduating from high school. Ever since I knew Edgar, I got closer to him compared to Peter due to our compatibility as well as interests. Judging from the public arena, it is not a really accurate representation of myself. This is probably due to the people and environment that has changed me after graduating from high school.


The Johari Window helps me improve on my self-awareness as I can see the different perception of how people view me. Despite of the unexpected perception, I will strive to become a more open and optimistic person so that I can adapt in any community or organisations. I will also try to overcome challenges like starting conversations to express myself better and enhance my communication skills both in individual communication and team communication.

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List of References

M, P. (2020). What is Johari Window? Definition, Model, Need, Application, Example – The Investors Book. The Investors Book. Retrieved 17 July 2020, from

kanodia. (2020). Johari window ppt new. Retrieved 17 July 2020, from

2 thoughts on “Johari Window

  1. Hi Chris! I love the overall insight and explanation of the Johari Window Model. I love how you have brought up the amount of years and place you have met both Edgar and Peter. This would have definitely affected how the varying level of Johari Window would look like which you have highlighted. It definitely does show how one friend who have known you from when you were younger to another who you’re communicating with everyday – as we are ever-changing and things would never be the same even a year later.

    It would have been nice to a see a combination of both Edgar’s and Peter’s response in one Johari Window Model to see visually how would your overall Johari Window Model would look like. Overall, I love the way you have put out that with this little activity you would be able to pin point areas you’re going to work on! All the best!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi Chris, I really enjoyed reading your post on the Johari Window. I like how you went into detail on what each quadrant of the Johari Window describes of a person and giving examples on the way. It really made me better understand the Johari Window model better. I also liked how you gave a brief background on your friends before going on to say what they think about you as a person. This way readers can get a better understanding of how the Johari Window will differ from friends from different people who have different experiences with you. Looking forward to your next blog post!

    Liked by 1 person

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